"Photography is the story I fail to put into words."
Destin Sparks


The Delightful Mr D The Delightful Mr D I love capturing the images of children (which is why I do a lot of kindergarten photos) but sometimes, it can be quite challenging. Take The Delightful Mr D for example. You see, like any 3-year old, Mr D is full of energy. He was excited about being in a new place and he was eager to explore. I think he got tired of waiting for the adults who were standing and smiling, or walking ever so slowly. He wanted to stretch his legs, and play and was not too keen on having his photos taken. When it was his turn To View More >>

"No, I will not smile!" "No, I will not smile!" Back in the 70's, the band Bread released a song called "Aubrey" and the first verse goes: And Aubrey was her name A not so very ordinary girl or name But who's to blame? Those lines are just perfect for this little girl who, coincidentally, is also named Aubrey. Aubrey goes to the Kindy where I used to work, and she is often always such a box of fluffy ducks. She's always smiling and giggling; she waves hello when she comes in and says goodbye, at least when she remembers, when she leaves. She's just adorable. To View More >>